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May 2024 Meeting Minutes


Opening: Serenity Prayer



President: James G (acting)

Treasurer: Position not yet filled

Secretary: Charlie K (acting)

H&I: Albie H

PI&O: Position not yet filled

Communications: Jonathan H

Literature: Austin R absent

Events: Position not yet filled



Clean, Sober & Proud: Randy G absent

In the Clear Tuesday: Has not elected a GSR

Monday Night Like Family: Has not elected a GSR   

A Power Greater than Meth: Has not elected a GSR

Hump Day CMA: Has not elected a GSR        

In the Clear Thursday: Has not elected a GSR           

Leather, Fetish, & Kink: James G

Learning to Live: Has not elected a GSR        


Others in attendance:


Welcome new people:                       


Utah Area CMA reports:

President: Nothing to report


Treasurer: LFK donation = $423.17 Total Balance: $473.17


Secretary: No announcements


H&I: Reached out to Balance House and is waiting for director of programs to respond. Good ideas to reach out to multiple treatment centers.


PI&O: Position not yet filled


Communications: LFK updated on website to new time, low traffic to CMA website in general, but at baseline. Ogden meeting has been added to the website. Maybe make website more “google-able”.


Literature: Austin R absent


Events: Position not yet filled


Delegate: NW Region Quarterly Forum:

Zoom Regional Event: Saturday, May 25, 2024 12PM – 2:00PM MST Link to Event

CMA General Service Conference in the Fall (TBD) in Vegas


GSR reports:

Randy G (Clean Sober, Proud):


James G (LFK): Attendance is still 15-30, good amount of new members.


Old Business:                         

James: In contact with Kim re: joining / being part of area. Their meeting needs help getting organized ie: reg business meetings. Also in contact with Neil, GSR (Provo), asked if they can send another GSR, that meeting has 5-7 homegroup members, majority are treatment ctr residents.

Jonathan: Went to two meetings at the Alano Club, Saturday Mtg – Not yet structured to send GSR, high treatment center attendance. Second mtg – Less structure, high energy, good “fellowship mtg”. Melissa (contact) Monday and Wednesday night CMA meetings.


Albie: Valley Behavioral Health, Treatment Center – Treatment seems to be scattered in various locations. Jonathan suggests wide net approach with getting “brand awareness” and making sure that we utilize time efficiently. James states that the purpose of visiting treatment centers is to provide opportunities for service to other addicts as well as bringing the message to the patients. Goal for spreading CMA Area awareness is to grow Area itself. How often to bring a meeting to a treatment center? Re-assess after an initial meeting visit the frequency based on the meeting response and facility.

Things to assess when going to different treatment centers: Format, frequency, coordination.                

New business:

Jonathan: Requests $90.67 for software licensing fee reimbursement, which is an annual subscription $106.68 every January subsequently.

Unanimously passes. Treasury balance = $382.50


Elections (as needed):





Next Meeting:

June 11th 1900HRS on Zoom


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