Online Meetings
Online meetings are still meetings, so things like mutual respect and structure are just as important to express so that everyone can feel safe to share and listen. Groups may have their own guidelines, which they will share, but here are some common suggestions:
- Mute yourself unless you’re sharing.
- Limit movement on screen and turn off camera if movement is inevitable.
- If you are able to, keep your camera on to show those sharing that you’re listening.
- Visual applause is a good way to show support, whether using ASL or some other gesture.
- Use chat sparingly. Unless a group asks you not to, it’s okay to use it to share a phone number or send a quick message, but it can be distracting if used excessively.
- Get on early or stay late. This will be meeting dependent, but many have some fellowship opportunities before or after the meeting. This can be a chance to get to know some of the group members and ask questions. Especially if you’re new, people will be excited to talk to you, exchange numbers, recommend other meetings, and answer any questions you may have.
We’re There For You!
For some crystal meth addicts, Zoom can be triggering while others may have never heard of it. Only you can decide if you are ready and willing to return to a space that may have strong associations with drug seeking behavior. Much of recovery is about reclaiming spaces and experiences that crystal meth dominated, when you are ready. Generally speaking: discomfort is a sign of vulnerability, while panic is not. If you are having trouble, call the CMA hotline at (855) 638-4373.
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